Saturday, July 11, 2020

ANGEL LOCSIN’s threat to an ordinary citizen’s tweet.

This information is taken from: Tio Moreno

I can’t answer all your questions guys so please read the caption of each photo.

PS: To those who are saying that I’m playing the “victim card” here, sorry— YOU’RE WRONG! If you hate me because you love Angel, please know as well that I’m a fan & I’m actually one of the people on twitter who defended her for being BODY SHAMED. It’s not “pa VICTIM” when you’re just explaining your side because if you still trust fully the mainstream media today, then you’re closing your mind to know the reality. Angel Locsin’s contribution to the country is not undermined here. What is not okay is THREATENING someone just because she can’t handle the heat.

This is Angel Locsin’s viral open letter that’s posted on different pages and even reported by MSM.

This is Angel Locsin’s viral open letter that’s posted on different pages and even reported by MSM.

Since her open letter talks about employment, plans for business owners, etc. I asked her a question on Twitter if she’s aware of the HB 6815 ARISE Philippines Act and the HB 6920 CURES Act of 2020 because if you would scrutinize the two House Bills, these actually answer her open letter. AND ABOVE IS HER REPLY.  These HBs were already approved on the readings by both houses, but it’s still not passed into law or it’s still not enacted.  Since your Darna talks about the “priorities” of the gov’t, I included the ABS-CBN franchise because tbh it’s not really a priority. The gov’t should focus on the other problems.

Since her open letter talks about employment, plans for business owners, etc. I asked her a question on Twitter if she’s aware of the HB 6815 ARISE Philippines Act and the HB 6920 CURES Act of 2020 because if you would scrutinize the two House Bills, these actually answer her open letter. AND ABOVE IS HER REPLY.

These HBs were already approved on the readings by both houses, but it’s still not passed into law or it’s still not enacted.

Since your Darna talks about the “priorities” of the gov’t, I included the ABS-CBN franchise because tbh it’s not really a priority. The gov’t should focus on other problems.

After a couple of minutes, I received this reply from Angel Locsin. I did not mind it first because her reply was actually good. However, I was getting a lot of vile attacks from her supporters and I feel like I wanna speak up, expecting for a good exchange of ideas.  Thus, I responded.

After a couple of minutes, I received this reply from Angel Locsin. I did not mind it first because her reply was actually good. However, I was getting a lot of vile attacks from her supporters and I feel like I wanna speak up, expecting a good exchange of ideas.

Thus, I responded.

But still Angel Locsin mentioned me on one of her replies. I know exactly that there’s a little sarcasm on her tweet and so I responded.

But still, Angel Locsin mentioned me on one of her replies. I know exactly that there’s a little sarcasm on her tweet and so I responded.

Since twitter only has 160 characters, I added this.

Since twitter only has 160 characters, I added this.

Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning. People tagged me on their tweets. When I checked on it, I found out that Angel Locsin tweeted this.  I was shocked because it’s a clear “THREAT”

Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning. People tagged me on their tweets. When I checked on it, I found out that Angel Locsin tweeted this.

I was shocked because it’s a clear “THREAT”

So to defend my side, I took a screenshot of her tweet and tweeted this.

So to defend my side, I took a screenshot of her tweet and tweeted this.

She retweeted it and replied with this.  So, since I am confident that I am not a fake account user. I changed my DP from a faceapp photo to an original photo.  I was expecting to have a good exchange of views because it’s what she said.

She retweeted it and replied with this.

So, since I am confident that I am not a fake account user. I changed my DP from a face app photo to an original photo.

I was expecting to have a good exchange of views because it’s what she said.

However, after changing my DP. I was blocked by Darna. 😂

However, after changing my DP. I was blocked by Darna. 😂

To my surprise, news came out and the rest is history. HAHAHA

Now tell me, which part exactly of my replies I harassed and bashed Angel Locsin?

Is it “flooding her page” when you just replied to the tweets where your name was mentioned?

Those people who keep on bashing me without knowing the entire story, THANK YOU! You just proved to us how you easily get swayed by media and celebrities.

The contents of this post are taken from Tio Moreno