Thursday, July 16, 2020

Build Build Build: CRK New Passenger Terminal Building in Clark is 99% complete

Build Build Build

Build Build Build: CRK New Passenger Terminal Building in Clark is 99% complete  CRK New Passenger Terminal Building in Clark is 99% complete construction progress and at the finishing works phase. It's expected to be completed by the third quarter of 2020 bringing the northern gateway to 12.2 million passengers yearly.  #PresidentRodrigoDuterte #RodrigoDuterte #PresidentDuterte #BuildBuildBuild #DuterteNews #DuterteParin  #Duterte

CRK New Passenger Terminal Building in Clark is 99% complete construction progress and at the finishing works phase. It's expected to be completed by the third quarter of 2020 bringing the northern gateway to 12.2 million passengers yearly.